Demystifying Post Pandemic
Prosperity & Freedom by Unleashing
YOUR Inner Bold Molder...

How To Leverage Your Limitations And Live The Bigger Future You Want

Have You Overcome The Zero Factor Yet? Vision vs. Circumstances: Listen up. This might just be the most important part of gathering gravity. What happens if you multiply any number by zero? The answer always falls to zero, right? Even if multiply a zillion by zero you still get zero results, yes? Well this is … See more

Timeless Gathering Gravity Wisdom from Visionary Steve Jobs

If you’re anything like me, then you have watched Steve Jobs deliver this commencement address at Stanford University at least 25 times. There was a time, after a particularly hard business crash that knocked me on my ass, where Steve “sat me down” and showed me how to gather the courage (and gravity) to get … See more

Why does Human Nature make us want that which we don’t (or can’t) Have?

Which “Cool-Kids-Club” Is Yours? The first resource I ever published back in 1997 was titled, “How To Make People Stand In Line And Beg To Join Your Network!” It was all about establishing “posture power,” as I called back then. In it I revealed how any MLM’er could turn the tables and make prospects ask … See more

Freedom from the Self-Improvement Trap

HOW TO CURE YOUR KNOWLEDGE & PERSONALIZED STRATEGY BLINDSPOT (KPSB) The knowledge part of KPSB is the most obvious barrier to manifesting the meaningful results we want. Why? Because it’s the one we’ve been working on the longest.  And, unfortunately, the information age we live in has sucked us deeper down into this trap. It’s … See more

Are Your Stories Serving or Sabotaging You?

We all have Fred Stories. The question isn’t if we have ‘em. Rather, a better question to ask is can you recognize when they’re controlling your behaviors unconsciously, and are those… …automatically triggered behaviors serving or sabotaging you? What makes Fred so complicated is we’ve lived with his narrative for so long, it’s become embedded … See more

The “Cool Kids Club” Pledge?

The Bonding Power of Membership,Fraternities and Sororities Why are sororities and fraternities popular? Why are they long standing tradition for families to be a part of them? What drives the desire to join? Simply because frats and sororities are exclusive, hard to “pledge” (get in to), steeped in tradition and if accepted, it’s badge of … See more

How to Create the Changes You Want by Rewiring Your Belief Systems with “Liminal Thinking” Methods

Liminal thinking: The pyramid of belief I absolutely *love* the insights Dave shares in this video. Especially the part about the self-sealing logic bubbles that can keep us from tapping into our greater potential. I recommend you watch Dave sketch out his process of “Liminal Thinking,” and then dig into my article titled, “3 Ways … See more

How You Can Transform Overwhelm Into Freedom Without Going Bat-Crap-Crazy or Sacrificing Your Integrity (a practical 3-step framework)

Look, can we speak candidly? Regardless if you’re just starting to gather gravity for your vision or you’re well past the tipping point and your momentum is compounding at an ever accelerating rate, your future success faces a very real threat: Because the insatiable Internet vortex of chaos, overwhelm and uncertainty isn’t just “looming” at … See more