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Episode 1: What does freedom mean, the “Tale of Two Paths”, and what it means to stop being a Collector and step into the Bold Molder life.

The pandemic did a lot of things, but one of the “nice” things was getting many of us thinking more about how satisfied we are (or are not!) with our lives. 

Did you use the global lockdowns as a wake-up call? Too many of us were on auto-pilot and slowly letting our dreams die – until the pandemic brought our freedom goals back into our awareness.

Make sure you pick up your copy of the Post Pandemic Playbook by clicking here.

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3. Try the Introvert’s Blueprint for Influence & Freedom

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Welcome to the Post Pandemic Freedom Show. Brought to you by Bold Molders. I’m Dr. Wayne Buckhanan. This is Joshua Shafran.


Nice to see you.


And we are kicking off this series with the big picture of post pandemic freedom. What does it mean? Why do you care? And, Josh, why don’t you start us out?


Well, I mean, post pandemic, we all have different definitions of freedom, right? And why we are looking for freedom, why we want freedom, and what we consider to be freedom. And so like, I know, we were talking last week, Wayne, and I said, Well, what does freedom mean to you? And so what does freedom mean to you, Wayne? How do you look at it?


Yeah, the first thing that always comes up for me, because of where I’ve been, is time freedom. Like I just How do I spend my time? What do I get to say no to, which is a big thing, I have to go do this stuff to make money to live. Okay. But for me that time freedom it … It’s interesting, because I don’t focus on the money piece that’s along the way. That happens to make things happen. But for me, it’s no, I have to put my time into this rather than that.


Yeah, and you said something that that is big for me too. First of all, there’s so much to unpack there. But just like from, from my perspective, my number one value is freedom. Now, what that means to me is a little bit different than what it means to you. But part of that, to me is meaning that I have the ability to say no. No to anything that I don’t want to do.


So that ties right into the time piece, right? Like being able to control your time and do what you want to do when you want to do it, because you want to do it on your terms. Because you said so not because it was required of me. And so the ability to say no to me is the crunch of it.


But where it was different for me in terms of the way that it manifested for you was that I somehow, at a very early age, I’m talking about like three or four years old, this was firmly conditioned in my head and my heart. And just like, I don’t know, if when you were a kid, did you ever play the three wishes game?


Yeah, but I was always trying to find a loophole. I’m like, how do we wish for more wishes? How do we get an infinite loop here? So I don’t have to choose right away?


Sure. All right, well, let’s say that, and I did that too. But the three wishes game got to the point. And literally, I’m four years old, five years old, playing this with myself. And I decided that I wanted to have $1,000 a day appear in the pants pocket of the pants that I was wearing. And it had to be in 20s. It couldn’t be in $100 bills, it had to be in 20s. And $1000 that every day would be in whatever pants I was going to wear for the day. Now think about how conditioned I was.


But that was for me, it was all about freedom. And I wanted $1,000 — I didn’t want a million dollars one time, I wanted $1,000 a day in the pants pocket in 20s. Why 20s Because I felt as a five year old kid that I couldn’t spend $100 bill, even a $20 bill it would be hard. But so I mean, like that’s.


My idea of freedom was having that so that I had the money then to say yes or no to whatever I wanted to do how and literally that was ingrained into me at five years old. And it didn’t get any better as I got older.


But basically, the idea for me was that I got to make enough money to be able to buy my freedom. And when I make enough money, when I get to some magic number, whatever that is, then I will all of a sudden… For me the the number was millionaire when I get to have be the title of millionaire then I will have made it and I will have the freedom that I want to have, which is my number one value, all of those things. So …


The funny thing was for me when I finally did make it to millionaire status for the first time, I was 33 years old. Now, there was no doubt that I had been pursuing that goal, from the time that I was five years old or even younger. Because it wasn’t just playing the wishing game. It was a bunch of other things at the same time. That was that was a part of all that. And so …


But I finally achieved millionaire status and it felt great — for about a month. And it was everything and more than I dreamed it would ever be in everything but guess what you take you with you. So it didn’t fix me. It didn’t give me any of the feelings.


And then all of a sudden I went right back into well what if I lose it? And what’s next in all of these other things that this started attaching yourself to that because all of the mental stuff all of the, who I was as a person didn’t change. And so if anything, I was less free, because now I’m more fearful of losing it.


And now I figured, well, how I made the money the first time, was like, I had to do the same thing again, and I had to protect it. And oh, my God, what if I lose that? Or what if I lose the Midas touch? Or, or the knowledge that got me to that point that, what I did the skills, the capabilities? What if, what if that went away? Then what do I do?


And sure enough, notice I said, 33 years to become a millionaire for the first time. Well, guess what? It was a roller coaster ride of making and losing millions. Over the next 10 years I made and lost 10s of millions of dollars, not once, not twice, not three times, but four or five times on that roller coaster ride.


And again, this concept that I had in my head of being able to buy my freedom, being able to buy the ability to say no, well, I couldn’t say no, because I was wrapped up into that. So if anything, I was less free, I was more controlled, I was more constrained by all of those things.


And I think that when it comes time to post pandemic freedom, the pandemic was a … it brought all of these things to our, our awareness. And it really forced us to take a look at it, which is good and bad, right? Because, you know, like we share some of your story if you would.


But you know, I’d been in higher ed for 20 years, and finally went, you know, 15 of those, I haven’t had a vacation in a row. Maybe I need some time to focus on what I’m doing.


And then realizing that, you know, there’s a bunch of things that I’m doing here at the institution and pushing these things forward. And guess what, as soon as I stop pushing, nobody else is gonna take that up. Nobody else seems to care about these, they might want the results, but they sure don’t want to support what I’m doing. So why would I put all this energy into an institution that doesn’t seem to care about what I’m doing when I could take a step back? You know, do the effectively quiet quitting before that was a thing and say, Fine, you get what you’re paying me to do. And I’m gonna stop doing all the extras, and I’m gonna put that energy into other things.


Yeah, talk about the quiet quitting, because I, I love that term. And I don’t think I’ve heard you say it before. And I got a feel for what you just talked about, because I think a lot of people can relate to that.


Yeah, and the thing for me with, you know, obviously, the linguistic side, I don’t like it as a phrase, because it implies that you’ve somehow stopped doing a thing. And I guess we’ve quit doing extra as opposed to quit doing our job.


So for me quiet quitting comes back to I’m doing what I was paid to do. All the extra stuff that you’ve been getting out of me without paying for it without even necessarily acknowledging it without appreciation, some of those things like, okay, you know, what, I can’t be on 12 committees, I need to go back to the two or three that I’m supposed to be on as the, you know, what we’re meant to be doing.


So getting, getting that — reclaiming some of the things that I let people take away from me, and for me, time is one of the pieces that showed up there.


Sure. Sure.


You know, it’s, I think that’s so prevalent in what happened for a lot of people. And it’s what led to the mass resignation, and the great regret and all of the things that, you know, where everybody just realized that they, so they’re now working from home, which at first sounds great, because I get to, you know, I get to be spent more time with my family, I get more control over my time, like I’ve been wanting, I get to spend the time.


And then you realize, oh, wait a minute, now I’ve got to be a teacher. Now I’ve got to be able to, you know, and I’ve got to be at work. 24/7 Because I’m at home and I’m working and I’ve got to be at home 24/7 And there’s not enough for me to go around.


But I think one of the things that I love what you said about your definition of quiet quitting, it’s not that you stop doing the job but here’s what I think the pandemic did for a lot of people is that it put it front and center for us. That in terms of knowing that — Well, that what you’re doing doesn’t matter to the people that it should matter to.


And so you can only go for so long, when you’re under appreciated, when your your contributions are undervalued, where you you don’t are not looked at as being worthwhile in terms of a person or in terms of what you’re bringing to the table, then it’s like, Alright, then I’ll just do what I’ve been, you know, like, what is the cog that I’m supposed to be doing? I’m gonna put, you know, peg a into slot B. And that’s, you know, you’re not paying me to think anymore, because you obviously don’t value what my, what my thoughts are on this. So why should we continue to do that?


And I think that became very, very quickly unbearable, because of the pandemic, it kind of magnified everything for everybody. Does that sound accurate?


Yeah, it’s kind of that quiet desperation that finally showed me why my students would only hit minimums, like I get it. But I also being a lifelong learner and loving to consume and learn new things and develop skills. I’m like, but why did you stop? I guess, because you have other things that you want to do? I get it. But it was really hard.


And so having that moment of going, yeah. Hitting my own minimums, and having someone (probably you) say, you know, your minimum are probably more than most other people are expecting, you know, that’s other people’s excellent instead of baseline, just barely acceptable. So, you know, …


And I think we all want to give, I mean, I think it was Jim Rohn. That, that I think, I think every awesome quote, in in the personal development space in the executive coaching space, at some point, roots traces back to Jim Rohn. At some point, but …


I think it was Jim Rohn, that says, you know, when have you ever seen in nature, a tree that grows half as tall as it’s able to, and we’ve been beat up enough where we stop growing. Our natural inclination is to grow, to expand, to become more, to be as big as we can be. And to enjoy it and to contribute that to, you know, to what we’re working on. And it becomes very limiting in that capacity. So …


And when you don’t let that out, it takes a toll on you not just mentally, but physically. Because I know firsthand, you know, being friends with you for damn near 12, 13, 14 years now. I watched what happened at the pandemic, it was all already in full effect for you, health wise, before the pandemic started, but it really came to a head during the pandemic and it it forced you to say, wait a minute, I gotta make some changes.


Yeah, I spent a month of remote teaching flat on my back with the laptop on an easel over me. So… Yep, it just hit some threshold. I moved, and my back went “twang.” And I’m like, Well, I’m apparently taking some time off. But I still had to do the things though. I’m there with my laptop hovering over me in bed.


Yeah. So anyway, well, let’s, let’s kind of put it into perspective here. And let’s kind of sum up what we’ve been talking about. Let me arrange this a bit. Okay. So …


What we’ve been talking about here is the tale of two paths. Moving from a collector, to a Bold Molder, so that we can achieve post pandemic freedom. And if we move that into what we’ve been talking about, we’ve really kind of talked about all of this, if you will, from one side. So if you say what’s the benefit of, you know, why do I want post pandemic freedom?


Well, at a global level — first and foremost, let’s just back up with where we started, which is what’s your definition of freedom? What does freedom mean to you? What is what what do you want your life to mean to look like? What is it that you’re looking to have and without needing permission without needing somebody else to validate your choices without giving, you know, without somebody else needing to stamp your approval?


What we’re basically looking at is outer versus inner. Okay, so on one side, we’ve got the outside circumstances, which is people/places/things, the different validation/approval, all the things that we’re supposed to do all of that lives on one side of the equation, right? And then on the other side is freedom, but freedom on our terms, and what does that mean to us personally? So, Wayne, what’s your thoughts on that?


Yeah, I think we’ve covered a lot of what’s on that left hand side, we talked about, you can either do this or that. And that whole scarcity, finite resources, especially time, and, you know, we’re gonna just force our way through it. That’s how I made it 15 years without a vacation. Other people/because other people say so. And that uncertainty and the fear that did just really come to our head during the pandemic for so many people.


Yeah. Yep. Well —


So the alternative you suggest is the other side. Right, we’re looking at both-and. Living a life of Both-And.


Yeah, I mean, to me, all of the, the freedom, whether it’s financial freedom, or but it comes with peaceful balance, being able to say no be able to do the things that you want to do be able to live the life that you want to live on your terms — without having the all of this stuff, without all of the feelings of fear-based, that the uncertainty, living for other people (boss meaning because other people say so).


And then the payoff is that you have this this mean, Eternal Spring, if you will, have confidence and certainty, and that you shift into, because you said so/because I said, so. It’s good enough, because it’s inspired action, as opposed to outside circumstances.


When we’re living from the outside fear based uncertainty, force, finite scarcity, and either or, these are all different ways of saying, “well, when the circumstances change, then I will be able to have all of the things that I want to have,” when I, “I will then have the freedom.”


So for me, it was you know, we’ve talked about this early on, for me it was when I become a millionaire, when I make enough money, then I will be able to buy it so that for me that the outside circumstance was millionaire, a pile of money that equaled some sort of thing that was going to then give me all of the things on this side of the equation, right? All of this was now going to be I was gonna be able to purchase that for, you know, once I made enough money.


What I found out was because of the way that I made the money, it was all based in uncertainty. It was all based in all of those things. So uncertainty and fear-based and finite, definitely, it was finite, like, the instant that I had the money, I was fearful of losing it.


And I was also thinking, “Alright, how do I make the next amount of money? And what if this happens?” You know, the knowledge, it wasn’t just about the knowledge, it wasn’t just about the money and the status, it was about, well, what if the, the climate changes? What if the, the business climate that I was did that that was the magic that allowed me to make the money that do the things that were giving me the feelings that I had of all of this on this side? What if all of that changed, and …


So now I’ve got to go in, and now all of a sudden, I’m fearful. So basically, this is what we call the collector. Right? Because the collector, it’s we’re collecting up all the things but on the on the surface, it doesn’t sound like being a collector is a bad thing. In other words, like, if I collect enough degrees, enough knowledge, enough wins, enough money, enough …, then then I’ll be able to have my pile and be able to do all those things.


Unfortunately, being a collector is being a hoarder, like you’ve got to protect it and now you’re you’re worried about somebody else getting it from you, and …


Where in reality when you’re on this side and you’re operating from that inner space from inspiration from because you said so standpoint, and you access that you’re now out accessing your Bold Molder powers, if you will.


And the difference is that let’s talk about from a standpoint of sharing versus protecting. If I have an idea, and I share it with you, and then you have that idea, or you buy into that idea, and then you share it back with me, does it mean that, because I’ve shared it with you, do I have anything less? Does it has anything been taken away from me?




No. In fact, you sharing it back to me increases my certainty increases my conviction, my confidence in that idea. And then if you then if you found benefit in it, and you go out and share it with somebody else, does it take anything away from me, even though I may not directly benefit from what you’re sharing? doesn’t take anything away from me?




No. And in fact, it gives something to you because the act of sharing the act of giving, you get at the same time. So it’s the expansion that ends up happening, the growth that ends up happening as a result of that. And it is truly infinite. It is truly unlimited in terms of what’s what’s possible with this. And so when we make that shift, it becomes a very powerful thing to then think about it because …


I didn’t realize till I was in my 40s, and I hit that midlife crisis was after I made and lost millions, multiple times where I said, “Wait a minute, what’s going on? Like, there’s gotta be something more.”


I felt like, my life didn’t matter. I felt like even though I was an entrepreneur, and I was on the surface, you know, according to everybody else is looking at me, “oh, he’s got it made,” you know, and but I was miserable. I was on antidepressants. I was, you know, twice a year for about a month, I couldn’t get off the couch. Because even with the antidepressants, I literally was like immobilized because I hated who I was what was going on.


And I felt like I wasn’t buying into my calling, and the deal that I made with myself, while I was making all the money and focused in on that, and not that I wasn’t proud of what I was working on what I was doing. But the deal was that when I made all the money the first time, then I would have enough credibility, I would have enough authority to then go and do what I really was called to do, what was my higher calling? And then I’d be able to do that. So I’d be able to shift.


Well, the problem was that that point never came. So like the reason why I was riding that rollercoaster was because I never gave myself permission to really go for my higher calling what I was called for doing what I knew that was my mission, what I was supposed to do. And I don’t know about you, Wayne, but I know for me that the longer that I suppressed that the longer that I repressed that the worse I got in terms of being angry in terms of being depressed in terms of being … Feeling like a complete and total fraud.


You want to talk about impostor syndrome. Here I was, you know, had all the outer trappings of what the world said was success should, you know, look like and I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror. And, you know, like, if it wasn’t for my daughter, who was still in grade school at the time, when I was going through all this stuff … I forced myself to put on a good show when she left in the morning. And then I’d be in my funk all day long. And then when she got home at night, I would be the the the dad that I needed to be for her.


And but I’m pretty, you know, she’s an adult now. So I have never asked her this, but I’m pretty sure she knew. You know, I’m pretty sure that I wasn’t fooling her wasn’t fooling anybody else.


And so anyway, the point is that this was long before the pandemic, by the way, when I was going through this, it was 2009. So, you know, like, 11 years before this pandemic, and but what, you know, this isn’t a poor, you poor me, show.


The point is that, because of the pandemic, all of us have been forced to, well, to look at this stuff. And so I mean, not only did it force us to realize that we weren’t valued and that we weren’t, you know, that we wanted to follow our higher calling, but the collector tendencies that we had, was very pronounced, right. And, you know, I mean, you think about what What happened during the pandemic, is what you said earlier.


Yeah, folks going to the grocery store and buying up all the toilet paper. Like that makes our life better somehow.


Some family that sent me one of those cartoons and instead of my, my husband, or my, my son, that is a doctor, you know, to marry off the, the son, it was my my son has stock in toilet paper or you know, has all the toilet paper stock.


Talk about collector and talk about protecting it. And you know, all of that, that tendency, so it’s very constricting versus expansion versus the relief of sharing. And the pandemic definitely did that for us it put that front and center so that we had to look at it.


And I don’t believe we’re out of it yet. We’re out of the pandemic in terms of the the lasting effects that it had on us. But mentally, now, we’re still dealing with it. And we have no idea because —


On one side of it, we feel the pull, because we were very well aware that we’ve been living a “Please don’t hurt me” type life. And we’re concerned about dying and all of the scarcity of those things, and hoarding and collecting up all those things.


But at the same time, we’re very well aware that our freedom has been squashed. And our who we are as beings are designed to be free, to be growth oriented, to contribute, to grow, to give, and to make the impact we’ve been put here to make, you know.


We all have a vision for what we’re whether we can see it anymore or not. We all have a higher calling. We may not believe that to be the case anymore. But we do.


And so those are some of the things that I think, are really important to give sight to and give thought to and reflect on. And to start thinking about or dreaming about, again, what freedom means to you on your terms. Not what Josh says it is. Not what Wayne says it is. Not what mom, dad, preacher, teacher, coach, what the world at large, what some, somebody else’s idealized picture of what success should look like for you, but what you think success should be for you personally.


And then we can start to draw a path to get there. But the first thing is to know that when you are pursuing something, that what you’re pursuing is going to be fulfilling to you that is going to be meaningful to you, that is going to be the kind of contribution that kind of worthwhile, you know that you as a person are valued and seen as worthwhile. And what you’re giving to the world is worthwhile.


Because at your heart, the reason why it gets frustrating, the reason why it gets really annoying is because you know that you’re supposed to be giving these valuable contributions to the world and that you know that you have something worthwhile to say, but you’re not allowing yourself or you’re not being allowed to make those contributions, to make the impact that you know that you’re supposed to make.


And when you are beat down for so long and and buy into that for so long, then it can become a trick that we we start to believe that we don’t have a higher calling that we don’t have a purpose that we don’t have some unique gifts to share with the world. And so we just give up on ourselves.


And that’s the other side of the pandemic as well is it’s making that piece of it more pronounced. But yet, we can’t stop feeling the pull to it at the same time too, because it’s always in our face.


So it’s become this sense of dissatisfaction. But it’s actually if we haven’t let it serve us it’s a positive dissatisfaction that we can use to slingshot ourselves to, you know, the rubber band. That’s, that’s, you know, we have both sides of the equation that’s pulling us the tension. But it can actually be a good thing if we know how to shift.


And basically that’s what this whole post pandemic freedom series is about. It’s about giving you the vision and the tools and the resources to be able to make that shift on your terms for yourself. And we’re going to be drilling down deep into all of this in different nuances to help you have that understanding that, you know.


And so this first maiden episode sort of speak, is a longer one, because we want to kind of give you the whole State of the Union address sort of speak of where we are, how we got here. And where it is that we believe if you want to be a part of it that we’re going.


And of course, everybody’s journey to post pandemic freedom is going to be different, because we’re different. And our definitions of it are different. But we can still support one another along the way in getting to each of our individual visions for what that looks like.


And so it’s also about making a shift, if we go back to this right here. And let me kind of clean this up a bit. So that we can see this. But …


In addition to shifting from Collector to Bold Molder, it’s about shifting from Circumstances to Vision again. So it’s …


Tale of Two Paths is also about yes, it’s about shifting from Collector mentality into Bold Molder mentality. It’s shifting from Motivation based to Inspiration-based or circumstance driven, internally or externally out outer driven to vision driven live in that life on your terms, because you said this is where I want to go on my terms.


And so the biggest takeaway that I would hope that you guys walk away from this particular session with is — and if this has resonated with you, if it’s not resonating with you, then you aren’t even hearing these words, because you’ve stopped watching a long time ago, and that’s fine. But if you’re still tuned in here, that and you’re diggin what we’re talking about, then …


It’s about getting real clear about what vision means to you, what success means to you, what freedom means to you — on your terms. And if you could have it be, however you want it to be, whatever you want it to look like, what would that be on your terms? That would be my suggestion to you is to think about it on those terms.


And think about like, all the times perhaps that you were living from circumstances, meaning that when this happens, then I’ll be allowed to do this, like I was telling you guys earlier, when I make enough money, then I’ll be able to when I when I hit millionaire status, then I’ll be able to really pursue the things that I’m called to pursue that I know that I really want to do because then I’ll have the authority, the credibility, this and that.


Well, that’s always outside myself, instead of giving myself permission vision to go for it to live from vision. So that was a big revelation for me.


And then when I realized that collector wasn’t necessarily a great thing that was serving me, yes, I want to be able to learn lots of things and continue to grow. But I don’t want to learn from the standpoint of being fear based, I want to learn from the standpoint of expansion, I want to learn because there is more to learn because I can expand and in the fact that I’m I’m learning and growing and expanding, then so is life, so is my life. So as the people that I care about and the people that I want to make a difference for, the impact that I want to make in the world.


And so I’ve re-designed, my definition of freedom is not a dollar figure. It’s a growth figure to be able to live life on my terms, but to make the impact, to do what I want to do, to make the contributions.


And that’s why the Bold Molder project is so important to me, because it’s a mountain that I’m okay dying on if I don’t ever reach the summit.


Now, of course, my intention is to reach the summit — is to help everybody and to help as many people see the vision and to fine tune this body of work and to give people the resources and tools and capabilities and new skills to to ascend to their definition of what it means to be a bold molder on their terms, and to create something unprecedented that they’ve never created before. But that is on …


Along the way, if I don’t make it to some specific thing where I’ve made you know, I’ve changed millions of people’s lives with this, but I’ve done this along the way, I’m okay at that point, because it’s a worthwhile endeavor that I feel fulfilled in the act of doing it.


Sharing this with you today is a fulfillment of that vision, is living from vision. And will I get better at it? Absolutely. Will I fine tune it? Absolutely. Will I see new possibilities, new horizons when we get there? Absolutely. As will you. So Wayne, I know I’ve said a lot and haven’t given you a chance to get a word in edgewise. So I’m gonna let you do that now.


No, I think it’s good stuff. I think that those who have made it this far seen some of what we’re seeing. And I think they got that phrase you love so much “as you pray, move your feet.” And I think today’s foot moving action is to get out there and really dig in to what is it that is your vision is your version freedom. And, you know, for each of us to get really clear on that. And that is one of those first steps that it takes to get from the Collector over into the Bold Molder side of things.




And if you want to go deeper, I would suggest that you download Wayne wrote from his perspective, the Post Pandemic Abundance Playbook, which is a 28 page kind of a workbook.


It starts with his story from his point of view. And then he breaks down how he’s putting this into action. And there’s some fill in the blank sheets and it’s a free download on Gumroad. If you go over to, it’ll redirect you straight to the Gumroad download and you can get that report for yourself — and I highly recommend it if you want to take this to the next level. Otherwise, wait for the next installment or the next episode where we start taking a deeper dive into some of the pillars of making your journey to post pandemic freedom on your terms.


Sounds good. We’ll see you guys next time.