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Episode 7: Using the simplest of math, we show how tiny breakthroughs can make massive differences in results.
Joshua and Dr.Wayne dig into how you can being doing the “right things” and still be getting disappointing results — until you identify and eliminate your zero factor! Play along to unlock your big gains from those “ridiculously small” changes.
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Welcome to the Post Pandemic Freedom Show brought to you by Bold Molders. I’m Dr. Dr.Wayneckhanan here enjoying my time with my friend,
Joshua Shafran, who’s also my friend, and yours. And Wayne’s friend too.
We are a little giddy today. And you know, I can’t blame us because we’ve been doing the pre-chat and I really am digging this whole topic today of the zero factor. I mean, coming from a math background and of course, intrigues me where you’re going with this idea. But where are you going with this idea of the zero factor?
Well, I don’t know about you, but have you ever had this experience where you’re doing all of the right things, and it’s absolutely the right thing to check them off your list, you taking all the right actions, but yet, it’s still not working for you like the results that you’re supposed to get that other people are getting, doing the exact same things that you’re getting? I mean, but yet, you’re not getting the results that you want to that you want to see. And it can become very frustrating. Or you get the results for a little bit, and then the whole dynamics shift or whatever. And somehow it doesn’t work anymore. Yet, it seems like there’s always some people that are getting the good results, like somehow the universe is smiling just on them. And not on us, not on you.
Yeah, that was for me. For years. That was marketing. Like, I got stuck there watching other people do the thing. I’m like, I can do that I do it, nothing really happens. What’s the difference? Why is their marketing work? Getting in mind isn’t so and
you’re doing the same? You were doing the same results? Talk to me about that.
I mean, it always felt like, Okay, I’ll go follow this, this process that claims to get these results, and these other people are doing it and getting something happening. But I would start in on it and go, Okay, this is not really getting me any traction. And, you know, looking back on it, part of that was my own mindset. Part of it was not really understanding the thought process that went into the marketing side of things. And just recognizing, yeah, there were a bunch of factors happening here. And the result ended up basically being zero.
Yeah, and it’s frustrating, because, like, you’re extremely well versed, it’s not a matter of your expertise isn’t good enough, it’s not a matter of you’re not a good learner, you’re a phenomenal learner. And you can execute with the best of them, you know exactly how to how it has to work for you personally, to be able to digest the information that you’re getting, and be able to then execute it. But then you execute it. And the results don’t happen. As the user like you. I’ve had so many times in my life where well, I invested over $65,000 in going to seminars, buying the programs, doing the home study courses, you know, all the books and tapes back then it was tapes for me from the infomercials, you know that like cassette tapes, not eight tracks, but cassette tapes, I’m not that old. I don’t think they had Programs on eight track back then. But, you know, I invested literally over $65,000 worth of different programs and different things and different boot camps and coaching and consulting and everything. And not that it was bad. I got lots of great things. But I didn’t get the success that I was looking for. I didn’t get the results that I was looking for, until much later. And that’s the zero factor. then much later, I had the business success that I wanted to see. And then I made and well did my first really big breakthrough in business success, we ended up generating a little bit better than $50 million in gross revenues from the business model that I helped create. And it would always leave me kind of scratching my head the opposite direction where I would have two people that were clearly smart, gifted, the same drive the same ambitions, you know, from their own point of view, there was nothing lacking on either of them sides, but yet somebody would take the program and run with it and be able to implement and get phenomenal results. And another person would take the same program the same same coaching, the same training that I was giving them and they weren’t able to get the same results yet. Pretty much everything else going into it. Well, you can pretty well Be it’ll be guaranteed that there’s some sort of zero factor at play now, is there anything that you would add or want to add before we kind of start drilling down on this?
I mean, I know a little of what you’ve got coming up. So I think all my stuff is in the queue for you’ll hit it. And if not, then I’ll ask them.
Okay, fair enough. The zero factor is simply this, anything multiplied by zero equals what? 00. Right. So what, when we’re getting those results when we’re seeing that, and when, when the marketing isn’t working, but everything else is when we’re working our butt off, and we’re still not getting the results that we want to get, or when we’re getting a little bit of results, and then it snaps back, you can be rest assured that there’s a zero in the equation somewhere. And what we’ve gotten real good at is the outer game, work. In other words, the specialized knowledge, the the tactical things, the what to do the, the, give me the the game plan, give me the techniques, technics teach me all of the things that I need to learn about marketing, teach me all the things that I need to learn about running the business, teach me all the and then I’ll just make my list, check it off, and I’ll execute. And so what’s happened is that we’ve gotten really, really good. And let’s say that this is set at 1,000,001 million $1 million. And let’s say that we’ve gotten really good at the outer game, at the tactical things, all of the things that we’ve got to do the the training programs, the and we know them better than the than the experts that are teaching them, we could teach them better, and truly better than they could because we have unique insights. And so let’s say that we’re really at that 1 million factor. But what we have forgotten about is the things like the inner game, the things like your courage, your confidence, your clarity, all the things that we talked about in previous episodes of C by three Firewheel your ability to deal with that? Well, if that’s not in check, if your inner game, you know, we have here the the confidence, the inspiration, the ideas, the beliefs in yourself, that you can do it, that you are worthy of the things that you want to achieve, that you deserve to be manifest manifesting the goals that you have for yourself. The with us high achievers, the imposter syndrome plays a huge factor in we’re doing all the right things, we’re driven to have success, but yet we feel like an impostor inside. So that’s part of the stuff that’s working against us. And so if this happens to fall to zero, then we’ve got this, this side times the million that we’ve worked so hard for that, that’s now times zero, well, now we’re getting all the overall results are zero. And that’s where the snapback loops come from. That’s where the frustration comes from all of that lives right there. From inside of the zero factor. And it’s the, it’s that you’ve got to enter the mastery zone from both sides. Now, before I get into the good news side of this equation, and you’re gonna love this part, when you start to see the mathematics of it, it’ll blow your mind, I think it did mind at any rate, but when you in our pre planning, when we’re getting kind of giddy, you brought up something that I hadn’t seen before.
Yeah, I was realizing that, in that same pattern of, you know, if x is the problem, then we’re doing y, the the idea that all of these things, the inner game, outer game, you know, any of the outer game factors and inner game factors. If we think of all those things, as if we just add them all together, then it makes complete sense that we’d spend lots of time on the thing that’s in front of us that we’re willing to engage with, that’s easy to do, you know, air quotes, easy to learn and pick up those tactics. And not really think that it’s a problem that we may ignore that inner factor or this other aspect. But you know, it makes good sense. If we can get that up to a million and we can get a result of a million, even if we’re adding zero or they’re spectacular. But what it really means is that the thing that we’re doing, actually makes the whole situation worse. Right, the solution that would make sense if that was actually the issue is let’s just crank one of these numbers up, let’s take the easiest thing will always work on the low hanging fruit, we’ll just push that number higher and higher, right? And if it’s not additive, we’re making things worse by spending all that time and energy over there and not on figuring out why that zero is and making it non zero.
Right, right. Right. And that’s what I luding to that’s the good news side of this equation is that if you just make a modicum of progress, because where we’ve been focused our whole time is on this side of the equation. So I would venture to say that all us high achievers, and if you’re watching this right now, whether you would label yourself as a high achiever or not you are because I don’t think you’d be you know, this engage with trying to figure this out and achieve post pandemic freedom in a way that is meaningful to yourself and makes the impact that you know, that you’re called to make. All of those things are driven by wanting to make a difference, but also wanting to achieve big things. Well, my guess is that this is not the first time that you’ve attempted to grow and improve yourself to solve this problem. So I would venture to say that a million as the the factor that we’re putting over here, is probably conservative for most of us, right now, we’ve been working really, really hard, especially with the pandemic, that that caused us to, and forced us to deal with this stuff, we didn’t have a choice but to get better and better here. And, and that’s what also, frankly, leads to burn out. If you don’t have this side in conjunction with it, then you’re gonna burn yourself out at the same time. So what is the fun part of all of this is that if you make really small improvements, like let’s say that it’s not even a full integer, but let’s say 0000000001, like point 0000001, improvement on your inner game, stuff on. And by the way, I know this is generalized right now, inner game and outer game. And don’t worry, we got you. In the next following episodes, we’re going to be giving you tools and resources specifically designed to help you with the inner game, keeping you on track on target to improve those numbers on the inner game side of it, as well as on the outer game side of it. But to do it in a way that doesn’t sacrifice the inner game side of it so that there’s some tools and resources that I can give you, that will help you so that it’s not an either or a zero sum game, where you’re choosing one over the other and that you focus on one but not the other. And then one and then you know, because for the reason why I labeled these Yin and Yang is that for I don’t know about you, but myself, for so long in my life, before I had any kind of success. When I spent the $65,000. For me, it was all inner game stuff. Yes, it was outer game things that I was doing. But it was like, how do I, you know, get ready to get ready, I need the clarity epiphany, I need these things, I need to learn more, I need to gather up more stuff, I need to collect more information, the collector in me was operating at full force. And yet the tendency was to go inside more instead of take action. And for me, the hard part was I was always getting ready to get ready. But I never executed I never took action. But then I decided I was going to take massive action. And so I got this side of the equation going I had the other side. And so what ended up happening is I made progress very, very quickly focusing in on taking massive action. You know, I was a fan of Tony Robbins take massive action, that’s all that matters, massive action, and then get the positive feedback. And well, because I had this site and I had the foundation, all I had to do was take massive action to get the results that I wanted to get on that site. So I had the zero factor working in different ways, unfortunately for me is that I had the zero fat or I created a collector success and I made the monetary success but you know, we talked about that where I was always afraid of losing it. It wasn’t fun. It was it was always like beating me down. Alright, so let’s back up. What are you going to say?
Yeah, I realized as you were talking about the the the collective success side Have it realizing Wait, if that left hand number is zero, we get zero results. But when that’s negative, guess what? It takes away from all that positive that we’re doing on the other side. It makes it so that our, you know, it’s the downhill on the roller coaster we may have written up and Ben near zero, we had just enough positive on the left side that we’re okay. Like, you’ve got that tiny little, it’s not zero, so it’s not emptying us out. But if we lose that much, and we end up that much below zero, guess what it chips away at those results, and it takes away. So yeah, that’s that’s a whole nother unpacking that I hadn’t done yet.
Yep. And I didn’t want to get too far into it. But yes, it could go negative as well on both sides of the equation, right. But let’s just keep it real simple. And let’s keep like anything multiplied by zero is zero. So when we have all of this work going, and that’s why we’re burning ourselves out, that’s why we’re not getting the results. And then we’re getting this but watch, if you just now keep this where it is. And you just increase it a little bit. Now this even though it’s not a full, whole number, you’re getting results in so in this case, maybe it’s 1000, whatever the result is, is 1000. But you’re getting a result in the in the world. And now, if you just turn this into a to not that hard, because when we’re talking about such miniscule stuff, I mean, in fact, it’s harder to not turn this into a one than to bump this from a 00001 to a 000 to you will make so much progress so much faster, because as soon as you start to get some results, you get that positive feedback over here. And immediately it amplifies the results and amplifies what you’re doing and what you’re seeing in terms of those things. So now all of a sudden, this turns into, let me clear this up a little bit. Let’s say it turns into a one. Now you’ve got one times 1 million, 1 million, and then turn that into a two, then you got 2 million turned into 1000. And you’ve got 1 billion in terms of your results, right. So the point of all of this is that very often we’re doing one of these at the sacrifice of the other, instead of focusing in on both moving towards the mastery zone. And you don’t have to move all the way to mastery to get start to see the results you want to get in in life. If you will focus in on the two or three sessions that we did on the blind spots in making the invisible visible. And making the unconscious conscious, what you’ll see is that as long as you’re focused in on being aware of what where the potential three major blind spot areas are for you, and you’re choosing goals, not in light of your circumstances, not in light of what you think you’re allowed to achieve what you think is possible for you. And you’re going for the big possibilities and you’re starting from the right location that you’re seeing reality without the filters. Whether they’re rose colored oftentimes those filters by the way, we didn’t talk about this in the the oftentimes those filters, make us believe that reality is a whole lot worse than what it actually is not a whole lot better. You know, it’s just in again, it’s not good or bad. It’s just is what it is. And if you can see very clearly what you’re working with, then you know how to get there. So if you then will just look for where it is that you want to go. And then what what is the challenges that you’re actually dealing with. As real without the filters, then you, you don’t have to go all the way to mastery, you can. As long as you’re making progress on both sides of this, it will be meaningful, it will be building your courage building your confidence and building and adding to the the clarity. And you will have that flywheel helping you supporting you so that you can simultaneously work on these things on both sides of the equation and keep it there. So the big piece of the the house or the homework is to see where in your life. This is thinking up for you. Where now I don’t believe that any of us have an actual zero on either side of the equation. We’ve got stuff that’s working and we’ve got stuff that could use some tweaking could use some improvement. The problem is that we have a tendency to play the zero sum game, right so Oh, look at what you where you’re lower on the totem pole where you tend to focus and where you were where You’ve tricked yourself into believing that if I just get this piece right, then everything else is gonna fall into place. And life’s gonna be good. And, you know, we’ll all live happily ever after. Amen.
Yeah, that sounds like a really good takeaway task is just look for those spots where you’re so focused on the one side, and then broaden your view a little bit. Like, what else am I not looking at? By looking so intensely at that thing?
Yep, yep. So that’s the next challenge, then in like I said, in the next few episodes that we’ll be drilling down on is giving you tools to both improve what you may be doing from the outer game side of it from the tactical Strategic Action Plan, what to do those types of things. And as well as the inner game stuff. The difference is that while you might not have the actual tools to keep you on course, on the inner game side, you do have things that have helped and keep you on course, in the outer game side, I just want to make sure that help you tweak that so that it’s not at the sacrifice of your inner game. So that’s those are the tools and resources that we’re going to be doing in the next few episodes, starting with the keeping you on course, so that you don’t fall back into the collector mentality on how you can execute your outer game tactical things that you want to do in terms of implementing those things in in the world that we’re talking about here. Beyond that Wayne’s 28 page, downloadable PDF, that is combination what to do and how to do it in terms of the blueprint. It’s an actual playbook, step by step playbook that you can fill in the blanks and make it specific to your needs. Like what it is that so that you can start to take this information and put it into action specific to you, but put it into action from both sides of the the zero factor from the inner game and the outer game sides of the equation so that you get the results in an even format. And you can get that playbook by going to post pandemic abundance.com. And that’ll take you directly over to Gumroad, which is a service that we’re using that you can download the PDF report and send it to your Kindle, if you prefer to read it on that. But you will probably want to do both because you want to download the PDF so that you can print it out and write out the worksheets accordingly. So anything to add with that wine?
Oh, I think we’ve got a good overview of the mastery zone from the concept of the zero factor. And I know we’ve got some other things in the queue to dig into more detail. So I’m looking forward to those particular tools that I know you’ve got in mind.
Sounds good. Well then until next time, bye