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Episode 9: Check out how the Results Seesaw can get you where you want faster.
Joshua and Dr.Wayne go back and forth on the Results Seesaw and show how the Tune, Look, See pattern determines what results you get — and not necessarily in the way you’d expect!
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Welcome to the Post Pandemic Freedom Show brought to you by Bold Molders. I’m Dr. Dr.Wayne Buckhanan. I’m here with…
Joshua Shafran. How are you guys today?
Well, us guys here are doing well.
I’m assuming that other people are tuning in and actually watching this. So hello, how are you Wayne?
I’m doing well, having a good laugh today and appreciating life. So I know that we, which does in fact go into our topic today, as I recall, because we were going to talk about the success seesaw, and specifically about the fulcrum that lives under there is where we want to start. Is that right?
Yeah. And if we recall, we’re talking about the zero factor and entering the mastery zone from both directions, both the inner game and the outer game, so that we are able to have the success and we’re able to play at life, according to our dreams, our ideals, as a bold molder, rather than playing the game as a collector, where we’re, you know, defensive about the whole nature of things. And so we were talking about tools to in a previous episode, we did a deep dive into the WMN compass, which is designed to help keep you on course, as a bolt molder as you do the action journey, and what to do and how to do it and how to stay on course, accordingly without slipping back into collector mode.
Yeah, and w m, n stands for what’s working, what’s missing? What’s next? Correct,
correct. And really, the important thing is, is that it’s a compass so that you’re adjusting for your TrueNorth whatever you define in there, and then you use the w m n on a regular basis to take an inventory based upon where it is that you are right now, what’s working, what’s missing. And what’s next in relationship, all three of those questions in relationship to where it is that you say you want to get to. So your TrueNorth the how you’ve defined it.
And the metaphor there is very much in movement. I know today’s metaphor is very much sitting in the playground, right? Because it’s the success seesaw,
right? Which is a tool to help us stay on course, from entering the mastery zone and staying as playing as a Bold Molder. But entering from the inner game side, the creativity side, the Yin side of the equation, confidence, courage, clarity, all of those things that are necessary, with the right conviction to move forward and to move forward in excellence and in assuming that you’re going to have the results that you want to see, and playing in that nature. So this is the tool to help keep us on course this way. Now, this one is it’s a very simple tool to understand. But we’re going to break it into multiple parts so that it isn’t overwhelming at first, yeah,
let’s let’s set up that internal playground and get that fulcrum or our seesaw set up.
Well, so here we are, this is the reminder, we’re talking about entering the mastery zone from both this side and from this side. And how to do it as a boat molder so that we don’t wind up with the zero factor. Anything multiplied by 1 million, or 10 million. Now we’re getting really advanced here, I’m still equals zero results. So we want to be able to enter the mastery zone and not have a zero factor affecting us in any way, shape, or form. Yeah. So today, what we’re going to be working on is the tool to let us step still keep playing as a bold molder and playing the game on our terms and having the success that we define what that looks like for us, and allow us to have the intention of success, the expectation of success. And so that’s where we don’t wind up with the zero factor. As we already talked about in a previous video, we’ve been playing the external game, we’ve been playing the what to do the tactical strategic game, give me the action plan, we’ve got a lot of those things. So while that could always use tweaking that could always use improving and growing and expanding. It’s unnecessary at this point, because it’s not the highest and best use of our time are the low hanging fruit because if we focus in over here now, we can little hinges swing huge doors because of all the work that we’ve done on the side of the equation.
I like the metaphor we built a really good bullhorn on the right hand side and now all we have to do is whisper into it.
I like that, too. Nice. Nice. So let’s dig in.
We’re gonna go in depth on all of this. And I think this is going to be really, really powerful for you when you see it in relationship to everything else that we’re talking about. But rather than get overwhelmed by it, let’s just dig in right now in this episode with this part right here, and then we’ll go back to my, my magical drawings. So the process is this. First, we tune into different thoughts and ideas, and concepts in terms of like the previous episodes, where we’re trying to make sense of the universe of all that is, well, in order to do that, we have to pick something specific to tune into. So it’s an idea, it’s a thought, it’s an interpretation, or perception where we’re honing in well, that by nature, is a limiting thing. So an idea is a limitation. A thought is a limitation. It’s limited by nature, because we can’t tune into anything, we can’t tune into all radio stations at the same time, we can only tune into one on a particular frequency on on the dial, right? So we pick what that is, then we look for evidence that supports what we’re already tuning into. Right? So we turn we look for evidence, or we gather up evidence, we’re based on our tuning. So now we’re honing in even more. So based on what we believe what we’ve gone through what our personal story is our identity, our, our experiences through life, we tune into all of that, then based on that we are limited even more. So we and this again, relates back to our unconscious conditioning, and much of which is you starting to see and understand. We didn’t choose at all some of it was conditioned into us by our parents, teachers, preachers, coaches, all of those things in our in our life. But also, as we start to have these experiences that also conditions us whether it’s quote unquote, positive, or quote unquote, negative, it’s just conditioning, the challenge is that we’re completely unaware of this process that’s going on. And then the last one in on the dial here is we see the results. So let’s just summarize this. First, we tune into different thoughts and ideas. So we’re limiting down because we have to write we’re need to look, we need to filter through different ideas. So based on our filtering based on what we’re looking for, then we’re looking for the different things that are going to support what we’re initially tuning into. So it’s not that these other opportunities to see different pieces of evidence or whatever, aren’t there. But because we’re looking over here, or because we’re looking over here, that’s what we’re that’s what we end up seeing. Not because it’s not there, but because we’ve actually tuned in, and by tuning in, we’ve actually have to hone down. It’s a necessity, because we’re incapable right now from this perspective, to be able to see the whole thing, or all those unknown unknowns, all the things that we don’t know that we don’t know, we can’t see it from above from that perspective. Right.
Yeah. The two things that are coming up for me is I’m definitely hearing vibes of confirmation bias. Right. Once we’ve set our intention, we’re going to see the things that support that.
So, for all of us that aren’t like PhDs, and what does confirmation bias mean?
Basically, it means that we’re wired in such a way that once we have set that intention, whether consciously or unconsciously, we start looking for evidence that supports that premise. It’s how I mean, the the ugly side of it is how conspiracy theories continue to propagate. It’s like, oh, look, I have this idea that the earth is flat. Sorry, folks, the and so if the earth is flat, then here are the things that would confirm what I’m looking to, to say. And everything else, we’re going to just kind of ignore.
Right. And so pretty soon that becomes fact. So everything that you’re looking for then supports the evidence so it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. And now, all you can then see is everything that that confirms that the earth is flat. And so the thing to understand is that we’re doing this all the time with everything. That matter of fact, so we’re all believers and spreaders of conspiracy theories, because it’s all true based upon our limited, you know, this journey, we’re this is going on all the time. And what’s happening, maybe for the first time for folks, or to this depth for the first time, is that we’re starting to recognize that this process has been going on. And we’re starting to recognize that this wasn’t something that we consciously chose, when we’re doing it on purpose. By the way, this is just a good learning curve. Right? It’s the journey to be able to alright, what are we tuning into while we’re tuning into new things that we want to learn about. So now we’re looking for the things based upon what we’re actually looking to learn that we don’t see. And then, based upon the the new learning, now we’re going to see a different result, we’re going to see something new, right? The challenge is twofold. One is that we’re completely unaware that this is going on that this is the journey. So this is all a part of our unconscious conditioning, the whole thing right here is a part of our unconscious conditioning. And so that’s part number one is that this journey, this this thing of tuning into different pieces of of ideas and thoughts, and what we’re tuning into, on a daily basis based on who we are, what our personality is, who we become, what our experiences are, our entire identity determines what radio station, we tune into what we listen to what frequency we’re on. And that’s really a good way, it’s a great metaphor, because, again, you can’t tune into all the same stations and frequencies at the same time. So some of us like heavy metal, some of us like, you know, rap, some of us like, and some of us like all of it, you know, opera, whatever, country music, whatever, on a different basis in different times. But we’re not listening to all of it at once, because that is a recipe for going insane. So what’s going on is that we’re unaware of what we’re tuning into, and what we’re looking for in terms of evidence. And then therefore, that’s what, that’s what’s controlling what we end up seeing. And if we superimpose as we will, in a future episode, the seesaw on top of this fulcrum, this point right here really is determining which side the seesaw is tipping down on one side or the other. And so that’s based upon what we end up seeing for the results in our life. And again, this entire tune, look, see process is happening unconsciously. Which leads us to the second thing, that becomes a challenge. We think the process is this, in other words, when we when we’re looking for a specific result, so we want to have the specific outcome that we want to have. And then we want to focus in on what do I got to do? What are the things that I’ve got to do to be able to have the outcome that I want to have, and then I will be the person that I’m supposed to be to be able to have those things. The problem is that you it’s backwards, until you start with the tune, look, see process. That’s how you actually manifest the results. That’s how you direct yourself to see. So if we relate it back to be do have, you can’t start with the have process first. And you also can’t start with the doing this process. First, the action journey process. First, it has to start with the Beingness or who you’re being or what you’re tuning into what station you’re looking for, that then dictates the results. Because too often what ends up happening now is because this is all unconscious. And we’re stuck here in the C zone. And what I’m looking at is that we look around at our situations we look around at life, here’s what I’m living with these situations, these circumstances, these conditions of life, they’re making me feel a certain way. They’re making me feel optimistic, or they’re making me feel like a loser or they’re making me feel limited because now I can’t have the success that I want to have because of the situation. When in fact the situation is a result of where we’ve been tuning into. Except we’re completely unaware of it because of that unconscious conditioning that has been going on. Literally for since we’re been born. And at this point, it is that invisible operating system that we have no clue that we’ve been living with. So what do you got to say about that Wayne?
I have that moment of arguing, but can you do some of the things before you become the person? I feel like those…there… And I eventually got on board with you, yeah, you have to choose the thing to actually make any progress on this fulcrum in terms of, okay, I can go do stuff. But if I’m not actually focused on who am I going to be in order to make that doing align with anything, I’m doing stuff. And it may turn into I can now own some of that identity. But I think that that you know that it’s trying to build the middle of the sandwich without having the rest of the bread and the plate in place, like, Okay, that’s great. But until you’ve decided you’re making a sandwich, all you have is a pile of innards.
Well, and it’s iterative, right? Where it’s like the flywheel. And it’s very similar to the clarity, courage and confidence, where each adds to the to the next. But it really, at this point, it’s critical that you stop and really engineer the tune part before anything else, because what you’re doing that you’re unaware that you’re doing is you’re tuning in to a very limited set of criteria, that you’re unaware that you’re limiting yourself. And we’ve talked about this in multiple ways, you know, through the previous episodes, but that it’s really important. So it who we are as an identity, limits what we allow ourselves to tune into and look for. So that is limiting our action. So yes, the action does come into play in in who you’re doing and what you’re doing and how you’re doing it. But how you play that game, what the conviction is, what the expectations are, as you do it, are you playing it not to lose? In other words, are you saying? Well, I’m concerned about? Like, it probably isn’t going to work, like you were talking about in a previous episode, when it came to marketing, like, well, I’m going to do it, but it’s probably not going to work. Because nothing I’ve ever tried marketing wise works the way that I want it to, and that’s yucky, or whatever. I mean, I know that I’m putting words in your mouth now. But you know, that’s the the idea behind it. So, you know, how can you possibly have the outcome that you want when you’re tuning in what your expectations are completely different than? So?
Yeah. And I think I had the same breakthrough on marketing as the the example that came up for me today was this idea of what is the identity that I probably took on in high school, it was the the geek and the nerd, and you know that side of things and rejecting the possibility of being a jock. And I’m like, Okay, that’s a, you know, looking at it from now I’m going that’s a weird set of boxes that aren’t actually mutually exclusive. But an awful lot of people tell you, you can either be here or there and you can’t do both. Yeah. So you know, as I’ve continued, you know, in middle of the PhD program, I was swinging my own bodyweight and kettlebells. And it you know, it’s like, I can do both. It’s a thing. So…
Sure, sure. Yeah, I mean it. But again, though, you had that revelation of making the unconscious conscious, until you stopped and tuned in to wait a minute. It doesn’t have to be an either or geek or jock scenario. And I can swing my body weight and kettlebells. Well, now that was a conscious shift. And you, you did shift your identity, you shifted what you were tuning into, maybe you didn’t take on the identity of jock immediately. But what you did do is you shifted in terms of what you were looking for, and the evidence that you were gathering up, and then eventually you saw a different result. So the journey did happen. It didn’t say that, well, wait a minute, I want to see, like I’m tired of being a geek. As a geek, I want to be a muscle bound jock, you know, you, you shifted, and it was a gradual process. But you did shift first on your beingness level on your identity level, to be able to see a new possibility. And then gradually, you tuned into more things and then that gave you momentum towards a new, a new result a new you know what you would see. So the I think the two big takeaways go ahead.
Please. I was just thinking that it’s definitely iterative. And I wanted to tap into what is it that people can do with this right now to start those iterations?
Well, is to be aware that every time we look at the situation, we look at what is and we say If the situation was different, then I would be able to play differently in the situation. While that’s true, it’s never going to shift until you do the example that you’re talking about, and tune in to something slightly different. And then iterate your way there. So the first big takeaway is to recognize that this is, in fact going on and how you’re playing, is you’re limiting yourself. And this is what we talked about, in the very first episode that the external world that our past, is controlling our results in the present and what we allow ourselves to dream of, and to create in the future. And so being aware of that, now we can start to unwind it and just observe it. And we can use some of the techniques and some of the tools and resources that had been shared in the previous episodes to be able to do that, you know, according to what we’re looking to achieve on our individual level, the second takeaway is to recognize the that the journey that we’re that that’s causing it, it’s not, there’s nobody to blame, there’s, there’s no judgment here, there’s nothing, there’s no blame, that gets attached to it, unless you want to blame something, it’s not your fault that this is going on. However, once you see it, it can be your responsibility to then shift it because now that gives you the power to shift. To tune into something slightly different, it doesn’t have to be, you know, in fact, you don’t have to go all the way up to the dial, you can just shift to the next radio station on the dial and tune into something slightly different, and decide whether you like it or not. And but now, out of that your tuning opens up completely new possibilities of what you can look for in evidence that you can gather up and what you can do, in terms of because let’s say that you’re tuning on the kettlebell example, let’s say that you decided to pursue that but kettlebell wasn’t what you decide to pursue, maybe it was long distance running, or high jumping or whatever. But that now you’re tuning opened up a whole new set of possibilities that weren’t there for you to before, not because they didn’t exist, only because you weren’t looking for them, you weren’t using the due process to look for the next step in the journey. And that for that automatically limited the results that you saw in your life, the situations that you that manifested for you.
Yeah. And the the action that’s coming to mind for me that I’m now unpacking going this is what I did. One, I was recognizing the vocab that we’ve been building here, blind spots of jock was not really what I wanted anyway, even if that’s what I you know, like that somehow was the alternative to where it currently was.
Well, in the beginning, so that was an iteration, right? Yeah, that was an iteration.
Yeah, but it’s, it’s that first blind spot of, I don’t actually want to be a jock that just somehow is the label that I have taken on. Great. So there’s a blind spot there. I recognize the second blind spot of and the stereotypical geek is not really where I started, it was somewhere else entirely. And so then stepping into that third blind spot, but bringing it back to this idea of the to look see going all right, who would I have to be to become that, you know, new outcome of a fit geek? Like, what, who would I need to be that then turns into the actions? And I that’s honestly what happened in the background. Like it wasn’t I need to go work out. Because I can tell myself that all day, but until I say, This is who I am, and who I am. Does these actions and works out?
Correct. And then become somebody that can lift his swing his weight? Yeah.
Yeah, generates those results. Yeah, so very cool. And so I think the the takeaway for me is, if folks do nothing else, walk the blind spots. Is that outcome really what you want? Or is it somebody else’s? And you know, if that shifts spectacular, if are you really where society, all those internal voices say you are or not, and who would you have to be to actually go out and do the things that need to be done to get the results that you really want?
Yeah, and if you want to push back on anything, that’s fine. What I would suggest that you do is say, alright, if if I want to play the victim, and I know that that’s a negative connotation, but if I want to if I want to Say that I’m at the effect of the situation, then try to just play along and play the tape backwards and say, you know, could I see how the decisions that I made the things that I did and the actions Could I could I see how the seat lead from was a result of the look. And the look was the result of the tuning. And the tuning was the result of who I’m being in the moment. You know, my identity, who I am as a person, and that happened over time over the unconscious conditioning, the conscious conditioning, all the things, all the choices that I made, all the experiences that I lived through that all of that informed it and see if you can unwind it, because I think you’ll be surprised that you can unwind it. And just like Wayne just did, where he saw the exact process unfold. And he made sense of it. And that was actually the journey, even though if you recall and play the video back, he wanted to give me pushback on it in the beginning. And so, you know, it’s just the natural progression of things. So I think that’s a great suggestion, Wayne, about what to do next.
I know that we’ve got more seesaw coming up, we’re gonna put a tarp on that fall Chrome, we’re gonna do a bunch of good stuff there. In the meantime, what should folks do?
Every time you go through the the post pandemic abundance playbook that Wayne wrote, In light of these episodes, and you kind of I mean, I think it’s a great companion guide to have with you and print out new things, because I think you’re gonna get new insights based upon the way that Wayne wrote that free download is that you have the worksheets right there with you. And so every time we in all of it coincides with what we’re doing here. So if you haven’t downloaded it, or you want to download it again, go over to Gumroad. It’s a free download, right from Gumroad. And the direct link is post pandemic abundance.com. And you can just go right there and download it and use it to your heart’s content as a companion guide for literally every episode that we’ve done so far. And I can’t picture an episode where it won’t apply in the future. So good job on that. You made it really powerful.
They’re all facets on the same diamond.
Well said, well said. So with that. I think it’s time to wrap What do you think? Not.
I’m glad neither of us can beat box.
Yeah, I’m glad you even knew what that was. Because I felt like I was hyperventilating. As I was doing it.
If I hadn’t done it myself in the past, trying to act like I was scratching or rapping. I, yeah. Poor white men. Alright. See you next time.