Demystifying Post Pandemic
Prosperity & Freedom by Unleashing
YOUR Inner Bold Molder...

Episode 2: Three Blind Spots Keeping You From Achieving Freedom On YOUR Terms – Post Pandemic Freedom Show

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Episode 2:

We all have blindspots. These 3 are ones that keep us from reaching our goals and plague us “overachievers” more than your average bear. And what do you do about them? is a good place to start.

Joshua and Dr.Wayne chat about blind spots in general, the three big ones that Joshua has identified as keeping folks like us from reaching our ultimate goals, and the big thing that keeps us “stuck” in any area of our lives. (Hint: it is all about that Jung quote.)

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Episode 1: Your Tale of 2 Paths – Post Pandemic Freedom Show

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Episode 1: What does freedom mean, the “Tale of Two Paths”, and what it means to stop being a Collector and step into the Bold Molder life.

The pandemic did a lot of things, but one of the “nice” things was getting many of us thinking more about how satisfied we are (or are not!) with our lives. 

Did you use the global lockdowns as a wake-up call? Too many of us were on auto-pilot and slowly letting our dreams die – until the pandemic brought our freedom goals back into our awareness.

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The Story-Behind-the-Story of Gathering Gravity (Unofficial Episode #10 — wrap up epilogue to the Creating Oprah-Like Influence series)

Yo! Here’s the epilogue I asked you to keep an eye out for at the end of the Episode #9. SPOILER ALERT: Since this is the wrap up to the entire series, you’ll want to make sure you begin at the beginning with Episode #1, and haven’t skipped any of the 9 total parts in … See more

Rockstar Status Without “Pulling A Charlie Sheen” (Tutorial #9 in the Creating Oprah-Like Influence training series)

You made it! Here we are at the series finale. The 9th (and final) piece of your Oprah Effect puzzle follows below as promised. And, as always, here’s your housekeeping reminder: The tutorial below is the 9th in a series that starts with Episode #1 as its foundation, and probably won’t make much sense unless … See more

How to Leverage the Power of Unexpected Awesomeness (Tutorial #8 in the Creating Oprah-Like Influence training)

Welcome back, Can you believe we’re already up to the 8th of our 9-part gathering gravity series on the how-tos of creating your own Oprah Effect? You might even say (wait for it, wait for it 😀 )… …our gathering gravity series has gathered gravity. Yeah, I know, it needs work. Anyhoozles— Housekeeping: The tutorial below … See more

Respectfully Walking the Fragile Attention—Authority Tightrope (Tutorial #7 in the Creating Oprah-Like Influence training)

Howdy Partner, Joshua here with Part 7 in our 9 part gathering gravity series on the how-tos of creating your own Oprah Effect. Housekeeping: The tutorial that follows below is part of a series that starts with Episode #1 and builds on from there. Each becomes the required foundation for the next. So, if you just … See more

The “Finally! Someone gets it, and gets me. Maybe I’m not alone?” Feelings of Hope (Tutorial #6 in the Creating Oprah-Like Influence training)

Hello again, Well here we are at part 6 of our 9 part gathering gravity series on how to can create your own Oprah Effect. Here’s the reminder: The tutorial below is part of a series that starts with the first one and each in the series builds on the one that came before. So, … See more

Help ‘Em Enjoy Your Honey Without Getting Stung—Again (Tutorial #5 in the Creating Oprah-Like Influence training)

Hey now! After today’s 5th course in our 9 course meal, we’re past the halfway point on your way to gathering gravity for your Oprah-like influence. As always, remember, this tutorial is part of a series so if you don’t start with the first one and work successively up in order, it ain’t gonna make … See more

Avoiding their “I knew I was right” Defense System that Assumes You’re a Threat to Protect Against (Tutorial #4 in the Creating Oprah-Like Influence training series)

Hey, hey, hey… whaddya say? We’re already up to part 4 in our examination of how to be your own Oprah. Time flies. Almost half way through it, with the best yet to come;-) By now you know the routine, right? Each tutorial builds on the last one. Which obviously means if you just stumbled … See more

How to Stop Gathering Gravity that Repels People (Tutorial #3 in the Creating Oprah-Like Influence training series)

Hey! Here’s your 3rd helping (so to speak) of our deep dive into how to create your own Oprah Effect. And, just in case you missed either of the preceding parts this third in our 9-part tutorial series, part 1 is here and part 2 is here. If you try to start here, you will … See more