Demystifying Post Pandemic
Prosperity & Freedom by Unleashing
YOUR Inner Bold Molder...

Exercising Your “I’m Not Enough” Demons (The Elizabeth Gilbert Way)

Elizabeth Gilbert is a personal hero. Her Ted Talk below, in my book, ranks right up there with Steve Jobs commencement speech at Princeton (and if you saw my post about that, then you know how powerful of an impact Gilbert’s practical insights make). Something in the way she delivers her message heart-to-heart always chokes … See more

Are You a Clone or an Original?

Let’s Get Personal Since building a deep trusting relationship is emotional, you can’t do without getting personal. Now, this is, of course, the exact opposite of what “common business protocol” dictates. Most people take their personality out of their businesses. They write dry memos, academic, institutional marketing pieces that doesn’t give the slightest hint that … See more

Calling All “Bold Molders” (aka, Misfits, Weirdos, Trailblazers, Uplifters, Geeks, Nerds, etc.)

Are you a Bold Molder? Do you see things differently than most people? When the world sees obstacles, are you drawn to find or create a solution? Is making a meaningful impact a calling you can’t ignore? Are you compelled to contribute, collaborate and empower others to reach new heights? Does the idea of molding … See more

Timeless Gathering Gravity Wisdom from Visionary Steve Jobs

If you’re anything like me, then you have watched Steve Jobs deliver this commencement address at Stanford University at least 25 times. There was a time, after a particularly hard business crash that knocked me on my ass, where Steve “sat me down” and showed me how to gather the courage (and gravity) to get … See more

Gathering Gravity and the Greener Grass Syndrome

Gathering Gravity and theGreener Grass Syndrome There is the tendency to compare what you have against what others have as being better (or worse) than yours. This comparison is often how we decide how valuable we believe something to be. On a personal note: I think the secret is to be happy where you are… … See more

Little Hinges Swing Big Doors of Breakthrough Results: The Truth about Living Life on Your Terms AND Enjoying Inner Peace, Together

“Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it.” ~ Michelangelo That’s you, by the way. Inside you, right now, lives a powerful person —an agent of change the world needs that only you can fulfill. However, you’re also the sculptor. You’re both: That … See more

Are Your Stories Serving or Sabotaging You?

We all have Fred Stories. The question isn’t if we have ‘em. Rather, a better question to ask is can you recognize when they’re controlling your behaviors unconsciously, and are those… …automatically triggered behaviors serving or sabotaging you? What makes Fred so complicated is we’ve lived with his narrative for so long, it’s become embedded … See more