Demystifying Post Pandemic
Prosperity & Freedom by Unleashing
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Endless Clarity Cravings & Information Bloat? Try this:

Yesterday, Seth, posted a gem: The limits of technique It’s possible that you no longer need to get better at your craft. That your craft is just fine. It’s possible that you need to be braver instead. ~ Seth Godin If I’m being honest, sometimes I hide out there myself. It’s easier to use that … See more

Confessions of a Recovering Motivation, Success & Information Junkie

I must confess… New starts in life is a natural talent, a strength I’m blessed with. Come to think of it, it’s also a big weakness. See, I love new beginnings. There’s just something about the fresh, excited feeling of embarking on something new. The positive expectations of what’s next. I admit it, I’m addicted … See more

A Simple (yet almost always overlooked) 3-Step Process to Manifest the Results You Want and Deserve

Didja watch the short video above? Cool. Because now that you know the “Zig-Zag” Method of granting your own wishes, we need to talk about why it’s never a straight line to the success you want. Because once you know the truth about what will happen (and what to expect), your confidence soars. You won’t … See more

How does the Law of Attraction Respond to Claiming vs. Declaring?

What “language” does the Law of Attraction speak? Think about something you’ve wanted for a long time but hasn’t yet materialized for you yet, okay? Got a picture of something specific in mind? Now, make a declarative statement about having that which you really, really want. Declare it a few times, and as you do … See more

Law of Attraction: Fact or Fiction… Friend or Foe… Does it Help or Hurt Your Success?

The Misunderstood Force that Controls WHAT Manifests (and how fast) Is gravity real? How do you know for sure? What proof do you have? I mean, can you see it? How about touch it, can you do that? And yet, in spite of any real evidence we accept it, do we not? You’ve experienced gravity, … See more

Exercising Your “I’m Not Enough” Demons (The Elizabeth Gilbert Way)

Elizabeth Gilbert is a personal hero. Her Ted Talk below, in my book, ranks right up there with Steve Jobs commencement speech at Princeton (and if you saw my post about that, then you know how powerful of an impact Gilbert’s practical insights make). Something in the way she delivers her message heart-to-heart always chokes … See more

Building Something From Nothing Because You Decided to Make it so

Your Power to Create From Thin Air Plucking an idea, a want, a desire from the corners of your mind and watching the process of it unfolding and gathering enough gravity that it becomes “real” is simply magical. Manifesting your dreams step-by-step is not only inspiring because you get to have the physical counterpart of … See more

Will You Pay the Cost to Be the Boss?

“Paying the Cost to Be the Boss” BB King is one of my favorite musicians and although he’s talking about something different in his song, “Paying the Cost to Be the Boss” it’s still the perfect name for this gathering gravity article. Simply because there are certain realities that go along with writing your own … See more

Are You a Clone or an Original?

Let’s Get Personal Since building a deep trusting relationship is emotional, you can’t do without getting personal. Now, this is, of course, the exact opposite of what “common business protocol” dictates. Most people take their personality out of their businesses. They write dry memos, academic, institutional marketing pieces that doesn’t give the slightest hint that … See more

The Law of Attraction, and the Inclusion-Based Nature of the Universe

Now, we all know the clichés… Like, “what we resist, persists” and “we attract to us that which we look at” and so on, do we not? For a long time I studied all the metaphysical stuff. And one of my favorites is Abraham-Hicks. Abraham teaches, “This is inclusion-based universe. You can’t yell ‘no’ at … See more