page title icon The Story-Behind-the-Story of Gathering Gravity (Unofficial Episode #10 — wrap up epilogue to the Creating Oprah-Like Influence series)


Here’s the epilogue I asked you to keep an eye out for at the end of the Episode #9.


Since this is the wrap up to the entire series, you’ll want to make sure you begin at the beginning with Episode #1, and haven’t skipped any of the 9 total parts in this series. Because, remember, each part has been designed to pick up at —and stands on the shoulders of— the previous one in the chain. You’ll be lost if consumed out of order.

Series Table Of Contents

Access Part 1 HERE;
Access Part 2 HERE;
Access Part 3 HERE;
Access Part 4 HERE;
Access Part 5 HERE;
Access Part 6 HERE;
Access Part 7 HERE;
Access Part 8 HERE; and
Access Part 9 HERE.

Your A2A Wrap Up (with full transparency)

It’s confession time.

As you probably already figured out, this tutorial series, and really the whole Bold Molders website, are key parts of helping you move through all 7 of the inner narratives, is it not?

It’s your full access, back-stage pass to see this process in action.

You might want to really study and model what I’m doing here so you can adopt, adapt, and apply it to your own vision and pursuits.

Specifically, now that you know how each of the mental conversations flow, how much of what you learned from this series can you see? How many things can you spot that fits?

How’s it been strategically designed?

How have I been practicing the everything I’ve been preaching?

Doesn’t the series start at ground zero?

It assumes nothing about your knowledge of me, my work and/or previous track record, does it not?

Why painstakingly make this tutorial series so consumption friendly?

Why are all the resource articles on the site jam packed with meaty value? Why, for that matter, is every post designed with actionable advice from a different prospective than you’ve probably ever come across before?

Knowing what you know now, can you recognize the value of this article: The 4 Phases Of Gathering Gravity (aka, the journey to learning and successfully doing anything you’ve never done before)? How about this one: How to Get Unstuck by Freeing Yourself from the Linear Learning Trap?

Any guess why I often link to as it ties into the post content? Oh, and if you’ve explored around the iUnstuck website, did you notice that you had to work to find the way to join family on that site because the option isn’t presented until you’ve demonstrated you’re invested in the journey?

Then maybe you might want to ask yourself why I’ve gone the complete opposite here at gathering gravity, and made subscribing to the free insights newsletter list super easy on every single page?

It’s worth your time to reflect on these things.

And, while you do, maybe also see how many of those inner narratives (particularly level’s 1 thru 4) I help guide you through, here, before ever recommending you might find a valuable resource?

Why not assume that if you’re already here that it’s safe to start any conversations with everyone at a level 5?

Why indeed?

The answer is simple: Because I can’t leave anything to chance in our relationship building process.

See, I have to assume everybody and anybody who’s here (regardless of how you happen to discover this website)… I choose to take nothing for granted and cover all bases by starting with the base assumption that everyone thinks I’m an asshole and it’s up to me layout evidence that shows them differently.

And, because I have no control over if or how someone will chose to examine anything I share with them, I show them the respect they deserve by acknowledging they’re always in the driver’s seat.

See, if I want to build a loyal following of fans…

Who love what I stand for…

Who will consume everything I produce…

Who will contribute to a community…

Who want to belong to a tribe and be part of a mission or movement bigger that’s bigger than them…

…if those are my real reasons for building this website, then I can’t skip steps, can I? Because this could be the first time we’ve ever “met.” Or maybe you’ve been following me since the beginning of my online career way back in 1996-97 and feel we’re already close.

Meaning: I don’t know what your inner narrative is right now about me, do I? The reality —regardless if I face it or not— is your mindset can be anywhere on the asshole-to-advisor spectrum.

And, since I have no way of knowing for sure which mental conversation you happen to be having about me right now, the only safe bet is to assume we’re strangers meeting for the very first time.

Ya follow?

It’s the absolute best shot I have of getting to know you. Of you getting to know me. It’s the only way design a relationship building process that’ll work for any circumstance.

Now, realize this: Because you are reading these words which I’ve strategically not revealed until you’re way deep into my come-from and have consumed several of my articles, at this point, it’s a safe bet to assume you’ve ascended to be in the level 3 to 5 range.

Possibly even higher.

Otherwise you probably would not have invested so much of yourself to make it here, would you?

Think about it for a second.

I mean, isn’t it true that most people won’t even leave Facebook, let alone take the time to consume anything beyond their 140 character attention spans?

Anyway, it’s even money to guess that because you’ve read this far, you’ve reaped value. If not, you would have stopped long ago.

Here’s a key point: All my resources are carefully designed to provide incredible value,

but only to the audience I can best serve (who want —and are ready— to reap the value I’m serving, and in the way it’s being offered).

Before we put a bow on this training series…

…if you’re serious about creating your own Oprah-like following, I suggest you drink in the process I built for iUnstuck like it’s the fountain of youth. Even if you’ve been through it once before. Study it again. Really digest it.

Maybe you could even do something rash, like and grab a pad of paper and make notes as you dig into the process. Ask yourself things like:

  1. Who am I trying to attract from the very beginning?

  2. Who am I trying to repel? Why?

  3. At what point did you find yourself feeling or thinking, “hey this guy really knows me?” Was there a tipping point where you almost got paranoid, as if I knew you so well, it almost felt like I was spying on you?

  4. How many different inner narratives can you hear me speaking to? Which conversation(s) did I address? When?

  5. How, specifically, have I helped people drain their fear so they can easily graduate to the next mental program in their hierarchy?

  6. How did I gently nudge a new awareness without being too “in your face,” too soon?

  7. Can you see how it meets people where they are and how it gradually widens the scope of so much more being possible?

  8. How has the ecosystems of both websites set up an environment of future leadership and trusted advisor relationship status where every insight consumed triggers the desire for more value?

  9. How long did it take for you to transition from a level 1 mindset into a level 4 one? Did the speed by which you progress through the mental process surprise you?

  10. How many examples of expectations management and value building can you find?

  11. How much of my personal time does this process take from me now that I designed it and put it in place?

    Yes, I know it’s a silly question, but so many people miss the kind of leverage that comes from having an automatic, systematized relationship ascension process. Make sure you note the power it gives. The process does all the work FOR me; it works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; never takes a day off; and it is incapable of every giving less than 100% full on effort! Talk about power, right?

Also, notice how I didn’t leave the conclusions you’ll draw to chance (why do you think I primed your mind with those 11 questions above)?

Model it yourself.

How many “real life” applications of these breakthroughs can you spot? It’s probably the single best relationship & influence building system I’ve ever designed for any client or myself. You’ll start to see the true power behind what my business strategy is. Because the truth is, beyond creating value in each resource, I’m doing something much bigger and more powerful.

Can you see how I’m on a mission? How my life and life’s work stands for something? It goes far beyond list building and making money for me, doesn’t it?

It’s about creating my own Oprah Effect, yes?

By making a meaningful impact for those I’m capable of serving by giving value before asking for anything in return. Letting the insights speak, not hype.

My passion for helping people find the success eluding them so they experience a permanent breakthrough without backsliding into self-sabotage — hopefully shines through.

Because, for me…

…this is about taking a stand for others. It’s about leaving a legacy. And giving the right people an outlet to be a part of that legacy.

Of course, every part of my business building processes reinforces that vision and conditions an even deeper relationship with you because each delivers ever increasing value to you.

Yet it’s a chance to reach new people who are complete strangers AND encourage them to ascend up the value ladder… at… their… own… pace.

It builds a community of momentum far greater than some typical “ethical bribe” that isn’t strategically designed to guide people to very specific outcomes.

For the people who get it, it’ll feel like a homecoming. It’ll stand out as a completely different and refreshing approach.

You see how a little strategic planning in the beginning makes it simple to stand head and shoulders above the crowd? All you have to do is take the time to have these 7 mental conversations with yourself before the tribe you aspire to lead has them on their own.

How can you model the insights shared here and mold them to work within your vision? Remember, it’s not about copying my words or exact process.

You don’t want to be me.

You want to be YOU.

You need to understand the strategy behind what, how, and why I’ve built what I have. If you can see the underlying principles, you can build your own model that fits and represents what you stand for.

Even if, no scratch that… ESPECIALLY if your vision and/or business model isn’t in the same hemisphere as mine.

See, my biggest breakthroughs have come from looking at completely different models and figuring out how to adapt and adopt their success for my needs.

Just like my life’s work has nothing to do with computers, mobile phones, or the music business like Apple, they’ve still inspired me and shown me ideas to apply to my vision and mission.

Yet, I’m building my own culture, not Apple’s.

I can’t be Oprah or Steve Jobs (nor do I want to be). And, you know what? They can’t be me either.

You have unique gifts, skills and abilities that can’t come from anyone else except from you. We all do.

I can follow their example as a teaching model to focus me on how to create a similar loyalty for my needs.

Same goes for you.
