page title icon The “Cool Kids Club” Pledge?

The Bonding Power of Membership,
Fraternities and Sororities

Why are sororities and fraternities popular?

Why are they long standing tradition for families to be a part of them? What drives the desire to join?

Simply because frats and sororities are exclusive, hard to “pledge” (get in to), steeped in tradition and if accepted, it’s badge of honor you wear that lets the world know you’re a part of the in-crowd (a member of the “cool kids club”).

It’s a place you fit in. You’re accepted. Superior from the outsiders because you know something the rest of the world doesn’t, right?

Plus, all your “brothers” and “sisters” speak the same language because only you guys know what you endured to earn your membership and status within the pack.

Your mind should be exploding with ideas right now on how to create a similar atmosphere with your audience attraction and ascension processes, yes?

How can you create an environment where any prospectivecandidate” for membership into your pack has to pledge and prove their worthiness to even be considered?

They’re getting the opportunity to apply to join your exclusive fraternity or sorority (and they probably won’t have to jump through the hoops of streaking naked through the quad, singing “jingle-bells” and “I’m a little teapot” to qualify for membership consideration in your exclusive club… or will they? 😉 )

Just take a look at the key words italicized the last few paragraphs.

Grasp the vision?

See how powerful it is?
