Demystifying Post Pandemic
Prosperity & Freedom by Unleashing
YOUR Inner Bold Molder...

Episode 2: Three Blind Spots Keeping You From Achieving Freedom On YOUR Terms – Post Pandemic Freedom Show

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Episode 2:

We all have blindspots. These 3 are ones that keep us from reaching our goals and plague us “overachievers” more than your average bear. And what do you do about them? is a good place to start.

Joshua and Dr.Wayne chat about blind spots in general, the three big ones that Joshua has identified as keeping folks like us from reaching our ultimate goals, and the big thing that keeps us “stuck” in any area of our lives. (Hint: it is all about that Jung quote.)

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Episode 1: Your Tale of 2 Paths – Post Pandemic Freedom Show

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Episode 1: What does freedom mean, the “Tale of Two Paths”, and what it means to stop being a Collector and step into the Bold Molder life.

The pandemic did a lot of things, but one of the “nice” things was getting many of us thinking more about how satisfied we are (or are not!) with our lives. 

Did you use the global lockdowns as a wake-up call? Too many of us were on auto-pilot and slowly letting our dreams die – until the pandemic brought our freedom goals back into our awareness.

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