Demystifying Post Pandemic
Prosperity & Freedom by Unleashing
YOUR Inner Bold Molder...

How To Leverage Your Limitations And Live The Bigger Future You Want

Have You Overcome The Zero Factor Yet? Vision vs. Circumstances: Listen up. This might just be the most important part of gathering gravity. What happens if you multiply any number by zero? The answer always falls to zero, right? Even if multiply a zillion by zero you still get zero results, yes? Well this is … See more

What do YOU have in Common with Harry Potter, Katniss Everdeen, and Frodo?

What, if anything, can you see in yourself that’s also in anyone you consider a hero? And, more importantly, what can you see from this short 4:33 video that can help you gather gravity and get unstuck? What if the 11 steps were a roadmap for gathering gravity on anything you’re struggling to achieve now? … See more

How to Create the Changes You Want by Rewiring Your Belief Systems with “Liminal Thinking” Methods

Liminal thinking: The pyramid of belief I absolutely *love* the insights Dave shares in this video. Especially the part about the self-sealing logic bubbles that can keep us from tapping into our greater potential. I recommend you watch Dave sketch out his process of “Liminal Thinking,” and then dig into my article titled, “3 Ways … See more

The 4 Phases Of Gathering Gravity (aka, the journey to learning and successfully doing anything you’ve never done before)

Moving from the Knowns andthe Known Unknowns, all the wayto the Unknown Unknowns “…sooner or later you’re going to realize –just as I did– there’s a difference between knowing the path and WALKING the path.” — Morpheus Look, gathering gravity on any subject is only a skill. And, just like any skill you’ve learned (like … See more

3 Ways to Unlock Confidence with Peace of Mind

UNLOCKING (AND PROTECTING) YOUR CONFIDENCE Confidence is our raw power source. When confidence runs low (or is blocked), there simply isn’t enough juice to power your success.  It takes confidence to start, to stick with, and to see your vision through without sacrificing your integrity. Problems with confidence starts when you don’t notice what drains … See more