Demystifying Post Pandemic
Prosperity & Freedom by Unleashing
YOUR Inner Bold Molder...

Problems Manifesting Prosperity? Maybe this is why:

They say confession is good for the soul. (Whoever “they” are 😉 ) Well, I want a healthy soul. And, since I’ve already confessed to being a “newness addict,“ if I don’t get this off my chest, I might just explode: Sometimes I’m Schizophrenic But guess what? I’m not alone. Tell me one person you … See more

Exercising Your “I’m Not Enough” Demons (The Elizabeth Gilbert Way)

Elizabeth Gilbert is a personal hero. Her Ted Talk below, in my book, ranks right up there with Steve Jobs commencement speech at Princeton (and if you saw my post about that, then you know how powerful of an impact Gilbert’s practical insights make). Something in the way she delivers her message heart-to-heart always chokes … See more

Timeless Gathering Gravity Wisdom from Visionary Steve Jobs

If you’re anything like me, then you have watched Steve Jobs deliver this commencement address at Stanford University at least 25 times. There was a time, after a particularly hard business crash that knocked me on my ass, where Steve “sat me down” and showed me how to gather the courage (and gravity) to get … See more

Are Your Stories Serving or Sabotaging You?

We all have Fred Stories. The question isn’t if we have ‘em. Rather, a better question to ask is can you recognize when they’re controlling your behaviors unconsciously, and are those
automatically triggered behaviors serving or sabotaging you? What makes Fred so complicated is we’ve lived with his narrative for so long, it’s become embedded … See more

What do YOU have in Common with Harry Potter, Katniss Everdeen, and Frodo?

What, if anything, can you see in yourself that’s also in anyone you consider a hero? And, more importantly, what can you see from this short 4:33 video that can help you gather gravity and get unstuck? What if the 11 steps were a roadmap for gathering gravity on anything you’re struggling to achieve now? … See more

3 Ways to Unlock Confidence with Peace of Mind

UNLOCKING (AND PROTECTING) YOUR CONFIDENCE Confidence is our raw power source. When confidence runs low (or is blocked), there simply isn’t enough juice to power your success.  It takes confidence to start, to stick with, and to see your vision through without sacrificing your integrity. Problems with confidence starts when you don’t notice what drains … See more